
Welcome to the How to Like Yourself blog! You’ve come to the right place. You’ve just stumbled across the best place to get updates, insights, info, and tips and tricks from the How to Like Yourself world. To start off, welcome to the launch of the book and website! I'm hoping to add in the mix at some point an audiobook, as well (Update: Audiobook will be available!) Thanks to all the help from friends and family along the way, and of course from YOU! Thanks for stopping by! I can’t wait to continue getting feedback, questions, and requests for other material. I am already working on book number two. I totally want to make sure I incorporate your requests as I keep writing! You guys are amazing – and as the book outlines on page one, and summarizes on the last page, YOU ARE LIKABLE, and YOU ARE AWESOME! No question about it.

Keep checking in for updates on what I'm up to, and make sure to check in with me on Facebook and Twitter! Check out the Contact Me page to find all those details. :)

Keep being your awesome self!


Cheryl M. Bradshaw